To My Mother, My Greatest Support

Mum, I don’t say it enough, but you are my hero. You’ve given me everything I could ever need—love, guidance, and strength. You have this way of making everyone around you feel special and loved, but I know how much you’ve sacrificed to make my life what it is today. I see it all, even when I don’t always say it.

From my first day at school to the late-night phone calls when I was away at university, you’ve always been my constant. You were there cheering me on at every game, supporting me through every failure, and celebrating every success, no matter how small. It’s your love that has shaped who I am today.

The older I get, the more I realize just how much you’ve done for me. You’ve taught me about kindness, patience, and the importance of family. Your love has been the foundation of everything good in my life, and I can’t imagine what life would be like without you. I don’t say it nearly enough, but I am so incredibly grateful for you.

Thank you for being there, always. For being my mother, my role model, and my friend. I care deeply that you are here, and I hope to show you, in every way possible, just how much you mean to me.

Lucas, Australia

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